I still watch Special Report on Fox New occasionally, that's it, nothing else from cable "news." The opinion shows are useless, in my opinion. I like O'Reilly's podcast even though I think he is too easy on holding Trump accountable for his childish behavior. The No BS Zone with Mr. Bernie Goldberg and some guy named Daly is very good. The information put forth in those podcasts really helps me to consider other points of view then just my own. I truly believe that many of our societal problems exist because a lot of people refuse to consider other perspectives.

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Thanks Dave. I'm glad you like that Daly guy.

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Great article John! I wish and hope for the same thing! Thanks for sharing and for taking on the noble calling of drawing folks together! <><

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Thank you. I'm not sure I'm drawing anyone together, but I at least hope I'm not driving anyone needlessly apart. Hope all is well!

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“I’m an old-school fiscal conservative who believes in stuff like individual liberty, strong character, personal responsibility, and sensibly hawkish foreign policy… which means I’ve been politically homeless for a number of years now.” Amen Brother John. Although I suspect if we dig far enough we’ll find some significant differences between us, that pretty much describes me as well. If I ever get to Colorado I’ll buy you a beer if you ever get to Northern Virginia maybe a visit to Chick-Fil-A!

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Sounds good, and thanks!

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