John "The Grind" Daly... would have never taken you for a rasslin' fan, so maybe we are closer political that what I thought. Much older than you, I was raised on Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling... back when it was real ... and before Vince McMahon (although we are both ECU alumni) turn it into a sideshow. My list of favorites is long... Black Jack Mulligan (the claw), Greg "The Hammer" Valentine, Ricky Steamboat (before he became the Dagon), Baron Von Raschke, Johnny Weaver (Weaver Sleeper) Sargent Slaughter, Chief Wahoo McDaniel, "The Russian Bear" Ivan Koloff, the American Dream Dusty Rhodes and my forever favorite ... and16 time World Champion, who last year spent more money on spilt liquor in bars from one side of this world to the other, than you made. You're talking to the Rolex wearing, diamond ring wearing, kiss stealing (WOO!) wheeling dealing, limousine riding, Jet Flying, son of a gun - Ric Flair!!!! Wooooooo!
Always good to hear from a fellow old-school wrestling fan, Chris. I got into it slightly before the WWF took off, thanks to an AWA weekend show (so I remember Baron Von Raschke quite well). I always liked Valentine and Steamboat, but it took me a while longer to form an appreciation for Rhodes and Flair. Now I "Woooo" with the best of them. Thanks for weighing in.
John "The Grind" Daly... would have never taken you for a rasslin' fan, so maybe we are closer political that what I thought. Much older than you, I was raised on Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling... back when it was real ... and before Vince McMahon (although we are both ECU alumni) turn it into a sideshow. My list of favorites is long... Black Jack Mulligan (the claw), Greg "The Hammer" Valentine, Ricky Steamboat (before he became the Dagon), Baron Von Raschke, Johnny Weaver (Weaver Sleeper) Sargent Slaughter, Chief Wahoo McDaniel, "The Russian Bear" Ivan Koloff, the American Dream Dusty Rhodes and my forever favorite ... and16 time World Champion, who last year spent more money on spilt liquor in bars from one side of this world to the other, than you made. You're talking to the Rolex wearing, diamond ring wearing, kiss stealing (WOO!) wheeling dealing, limousine riding, Jet Flying, son of a gun - Ric Flair!!!! Wooooooo!
Always good to hear from a fellow old-school wrestling fan, Chris. I got into it slightly before the WWF took off, thanks to an AWA weekend show (so I remember Baron Von Raschke quite well). I always liked Valentine and Steamboat, but it took me a while longer to form an appreciation for Rhodes and Flair. Now I "Woooo" with the best of them. Thanks for weighing in.