Thank you for sharing this John. It's such a scary diagnosis but your detailed way of explaining what to expect and your positive outlook shows parents there is a light at the end of the tunnel. And I just said a prayer for Olivia too.

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Thanks Shannan.

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Mar 15, 2022·edited Mar 15, 2022

Thank you for sharing this personal and heartfelt experience. I’ve only followed your punditry and writing fairly recently(both of which you do superbly), so wasn’t aware about your son’s dealings with scoliosis until now. I’m very happy to hear that things have worked out well for him. I will be keeping Olivia in my prayers, as well as you and your family. May God bless, heal, and be with all of you.

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Hi. Thank you for the kind words and prayers. They're very much appreciated.

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I had a really interesting experience viewing the Terminator that kind of ruined the film for me. I saw the film about a week after it came out at a theater in South Plainfield NJ on a Saturday afternoon. I went with a friend who lived nearby. The city of Plainfield is a largely minority town and the audience was 90% black.I was used to that in that area and didn't think twice. Until the film started, that is. Every killing of a police officer was greeted with cheers of delight. What may have been a sci-fi film for the rest of the country was a snuff film of police for this audience. I was throughly disgusted and when Arnold was held up as tbe newest "conservative" ( of course, they turned on him as not "pure" enough) hero, I couldn't help but think that the studio in Hollywood knew what the response would be in "the hood" to this film but didn't care as long as the cash rolled in.

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