
Interview: Marc Hutner and Josh Blum of SUGARTOOTH

After a 27-year hiatus, the band has returned with a brand new album. And it rocks!

Welcome to a special edition of the Daly Grind!

This week, the supremely excellent rock band Sugartooth joins me for an in-depth video-discussion about their rise to stardom in the 1990s, their reunion and killer new album “Vol. 3”, and the evolution of the music business over the last 30 years.

I’m a longtime fan of the band, and I hope you’ll all enjoy this interview as much as I did. Marc Hutner and Josh Blum are great guys and extraordinarily talented musicians. I hope you’ll check out their new album.

Connect with Sugartooth

My history with the band

Having trouble watching this video on Substack? You can also watch it here on YouTube.


How did you like this week’s interview? Let me know in an email or in the comment section below. (Regular features will return next week.)

That’s all for now. Thanks for checking out today’s Daly Grind.

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Also, if you’re not caught up on my Sean Coleman Thrillers, you can pick the entire series up at a great price on Amazon. And if you’re interested in signed, personalized copies of my books, you can order them directly from my website.

Take care. And I’ll talk to you soon!