I feel good. I knew that I would now.
Those of you who follow me on social media may have already read the news, but in case you didn’t, Sean Coleman #5 has been accepted by my publisher, the contract has been signed, and we’re off to the races!
In the coming months, I’ll be working with one of my publisher’s editors to fine tune the manuscript, going over cover designs, and putting together marketing plans (including media appearances, reviews/blurbs, online promotion, and signing events).
I’m especially looking forward to the events — getting out and freely talking to people again (hopefully). My last book launch party was just a few months before the pandemic started, and it seems like a lifetime ago:
We’re looking at a February 5th, 2022 release date for the novel, which I realize sounds like a long way off. But as has been the case with past releases, the time will go by fast, the festivities will begin a few months early (which will likely include some early copies being circulated), and I’ll keep you all entertained in the meantime with lots of pre-order sales pitches.
Just kidding on that last part. Actually, I’m not. Prepare yourselves. 😉
Back to the schedule... Though pandemic life did in fact slow down my fiction writing a bit, the release of the book will actually match up pretty closely with past releases. I’ve been putting my novels out about every two years, and this one will come out about two years and three months after the last one, Safeguard.
I’m not sure I should announce the name of the book at this point. I like the one I came up with, but it’s possible it could change in the coming weeks, and I’d feel really bad if one of you tattooed the wrong title on your lower back.
Actually, I’d probably laugh… but then I’d feel bad.
I will, however, tell you a little bit more about the book...
It’s longer than most Sean Coleman Thrillers (the second longest behind From a Dead Sleep). It spans multiple time eras (a series first). There’ll be some special treats for longtime fans of the series (I may elaborate more on that later). And… the book includes what could very well be the most psychologically deranged chapter I’ve ever written. (You can decide whether or not to judge me after you’ve read it.)
Like I said, I’ll be starting the first round of editing in just a bit, but in the meantime I’m enjoying a little downtime from heavy writing. It’s giving me an opportunity to catch up on my email inbox, read some other people’s newsletters that I’ve been meaning to read, and finish some other work that I’d been putting off.
But I’ll be back in the mix soon, and will be dropping more details about what’s going on with Cinco de Sean.
"What would have happened if the global space race had never ended?"
That question is the premise of a television show my wife and I started watching last year on Apple TV+. It’s called For All Mankind, and though I suppose it’s technically of the science fiction genre, it’s not about the future, but rather an alternate past.
The show’s writers explore what it may have been like if, in the late 1960s, the Soviets had successfully landed a crew on the moon before the United States. Their vision is that the U.S. would have aggressively pursued other space milestones, both technologically and culturally, in a continuous, competitive effort to one-up the Soviets: a moon base, a mining program, women and minority races in the space program sooner.
Season one was extremely well done, and season two just began last week with a great premier (coincidentally coinciding with the real-life Mars landing). I highly recommend checking this show out.
“Just between you and me…”
I mentioned in last week’s newsletter that I work and write for former CBS News journalist (and media analyst), Bernard Goldberg. Bernie does a weekly Q&A, where he answers questions about journalism, politics, and culture from subscription members.
Last Friday, he received an interesting question about an infamous news incident from the mid 1990s (one that I remember well). It went down on a CBS news-magazine program called “Eye to Eye with Connie Chung,” of which Bernie was a contributor.
Doing a piece on then Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, Chung interviewed Gingrich’s elderly mother. That’s when this exchange occurred:
In his Q&A, Bernie addresses the ethics issues (from a journalistic perspective) surrounding the national broadcast of that exchange, as well as the severe blow-back the show received for airing it.
It’s pretty interesting stuff that’s worth checking out.
Random Thought

Obligatory Dog Shot
What does it mean?
Featured Vinyl
In the early 80s, when I first started caring about music, I shared a record cabinet in our chronically cold basement with my father (the only other record collector in the family).
He was mostly into old-school Country, and that included Johnny Cash. Personally, Cash’s sound didn’t appeal to me. Frankly, none of my dad’s music did. But many years later, I did form an appreciation for Cash’s sound, the richness of his writing, and his overall contribution to the music industry.
Cash’s concert performances at prisons in the 50s and 60s were a pop-culture phenomenon, and his live albums from a handful of those shows went on to become classics… including this one, Johnny Cash at Folsom Prison.
Of course, Folsom Prison Blues is one of his signature songs, and it’s also one of my favorites by him. This is a great live album, and a very cool relic from a different time.
That’s all for now. Thanks for reading today’s Daly Grind.
Want to drop me a line? You can email me at johndalybooks@hotmail.com, and also follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. If you haven’t subscribed to this newsletter yet, please click on the “Subscribe now” button below. Doing so will get these posts emailed directly to you.
Also, if you’re not caught up on my Sean Coleman Thrillers, you can pick the entire series up at a great price on Amazon. And if you’re interested in signed, personalized copies of my books, you can order them directly from my website.
Take care. And I’ll talk to you soon!
I used to play live music. Primarily in the 70s and 80s, occasionally afterward. I had a 5 piece rock band and a 2 man acoustic duo. Once my duo was playing a saloon and after my set a customer came up to me and said that I reminded him of Johnny Cash. It was the greatest compliment that I ever received. To me it meant that although I didn't have the smoothest voice, I had a commitment to my material that was unsurpassed. Johnny was a legend and deserved to be. To me he stands for what is great about America. These days I listen to his daughter who is great in her own right.